Long Island's Premier Pet Service


Long Island's Premier Pet Service

Cancer is a source of fear and concern for human beings, but thanks to medical advances obtained through constant research, there is also hope. The finding is the same in pets, which can also suffer from tumors. The important thing is to notice as early as possible the symptoms likely to be linked to potential cancer so that the chances of quality treatment are maximized. There are, in fact, several cancer warning signs that it would be wise to detect early in dogs.

Once you observe these signs and symptoms, you must take your animal to the veterinary expert quickly. The latter will thus be able to conduct examinations to invalidate or confirm the suspicions before passing the baton to an animal cancer specialist (oncology). The necessary treatment can then be implemented: surgery to eliminate the tumor, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy sessions.

Certain signs may suggest that the dog is suffering from cancer. Knowing how to detect them in time optimizes the chances of survival for the animal.

Loss of appetite and weight

Another sign of pet cancer is any form of lasting canine anorexia. It can be a lump in the dog’s mouth preventing him from chewing and swallowing food correctly or another in his digestive system. Loss of appetite and weight is always a worrying symptom in dogs, no matter what.

Suspicious odors

Foul breath and odor emanating from the dog’s rectum or nose can also warn of an anomaly or even cancer. Again, a tumor located in the mouth can cause bad breath. This is often followed by bleeding and prevents the dog from eating normally.

Areas of sizes

You may realize that the dog has lumps beneath the skin by observing and stroking it. Such raised areas can correspond to tumors or cysts. The best you can do is to take your pet to a vet so that he can precisely point out the issue.

Diarrhea and vomiting 

Diarrhea and vomiting are only worrisome if they are repeated. If so, that may point to something serious. A visit to the veterinarian is to be made as soon as possible.

Loss of energy, depression

A normally energetic and lively dog ​​that becomes inexplicably inactive and listless may be seriously ill. Frequent drowsiness, lack of interest in playing, and energy loss are all warning signs.

Respiratory problems

Coughing, wheezing while breathing, or early breathing difficulties (following low-intensity exertion) are likely to be underpinned by a form of lung cancer.

Gums less red than usual

The color of the gums is a critical indicator of the dog’s health status. If they’re darker than normal, their blood circulation could be a problem. The origin of such a malfunction can be a severe ailment. Cancer risk is not remote.

Taking quick measures to avert any severity of the condition is essential after spotting these symptoms. You should contact a veterinarian immediately for swift action and ensure your pet is completely safe.