Covering Everything You Need To Know About Microchipping Your Pet And The Holiday That Promotes It
Statistics from the American Humane organization show that over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen every year in the U.S. These are tragically high numbers and in many cases this can be avoided through the use of pet microchips. However, many people still aren’t aware of pet microchips or they have some common misconceptions about them. That’s why there is a month-long educational holiday called National Chip Your Pet Month that occurs annually every May. This article will cover everything you need to know about pet microchips and the holiday that promotes them.
Pet Microchips
A pet microchip, according to the American Kennel Club, is a radio-frequency identification transponder (RFID). This R.F.I.D. contains a unique identification number when scanned. You could think of it like a social security number, but for pets. This allows veterinarian hospitals and animal shelters to readily identify pets with ease. The pet’s information and the owner’s contact information are all connected to this unique identification number.
How Pet Microchips Work
Pet microchips are roughly the size of a grain of rice. This tiny object is injected under the loose skin of your pet, typically rooted in the scruff of the animal’s neck. There is no battery, no power supply, and no kind of moving parts involved. This means it will last indefinitely and it poses no threat or harm to your pet’s health. Most veterinarian hospitals and animal shelters have handheld scanning devices that will pick up the R.F.I.D. when brushed over the animal’s skin/fur.
Why They Are So Useful
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), there is estimated to be over 76 million pet dogs and 58 million pet cats in the U.S. That’s more than 60% of U.S. households owning a dog and/or cat! While every pet is a beautiful and unique soul, there are bound to be some similar looking dogs and cats out there. This is why pet microchips are so useful because they help determine the exact identity of a pet and their owner. They also help expedite the process of identifying and returning lost or stolen pets back to their rightful owners.
Microchips Vs GPS Trackers
A common misconception about pet microchips is that they determine your pet’s exact location. This is false. Pet microchips only identify pets based on their unique identification number. However, there are GPS (global positioning satellite) trackers for pets that will help you determine your pet’s exact location. These operate the same way your cell phone does to track your position at any given time. For more information about pet GPS trackers, check out The Spruce Pets website. They have a great article where they review and discuss their 5 personal favorite pet GPS trackers.
Reuniting Pets & Owners
National Chip Your Pet Month is a truly wonderful holiday that aims to educate and raise awareness about the usefulness and importance of pet microchips. Losing your pet is a terrible and frightening experience for both you and your pets. But, pet microchips can be the saving grace that reunites you with your furry companion. We strongly encourage you to consider having your pet microchipped as a preventative measure in case they ever become lost or stolen.
We hope you found this article informative and that it helped shed some light on what pet microchips are and what they can do. For more informative pet themed articles like this, be sure to check out the blog section of the official Long Island Pet Services website. Stay safe and happy National Chip Your Pet Month!