Long Island's Premier Pet Service


Long Island's Premier Pet Service

Covering The Best And Safest Ways To Travel With Your Pet In Automobiles

Traveling with pets is a very common occurrence. However, there is a good way to go about it and a bad way to go about it. While most pet owners don’t intentionally put their pets in danger, improper traveling procedures with pets can be dangerous. Thankfully, here at Long Island Pet Service, we have a lot of experience when it comes to pet travel. We even offer a Pet Taxi Service for transporting your furry friends for you! The purpose of this article is to share our pet travel safety knowledge with you, the dedicated pet owners of America. 

Automobile Travels

For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing on automobile travel with pets. More specifically, dogs and cats. While plane, train, and boat travel with pets is common, automobile travel with pets is the most common and safe form of travel. Transporting pets by automobile offers the freedom of being able to stop along the way for bathroom breaks and it allows you to keep a close eye on your pets’ well being and behavior. For more information about pet travel by plane, check out the A.S.P.C.A. website

The Basic Necessities

When traveling with your pets by automobile, both short and long trips, it’s important to go prepared. You should always have the basic necessities including a first aid kit, collars (with I.D. tags), leashes, toys, poop bags, food, food & water bowls, treats, and bottled water. If your pet is on any medications, be sure to bring those as well. It’s also a good idea to bring a blanket of some kind for your pet to hide under should they feel stressed or anxious. 

Traveling Tips

Here are a few basic pieces of professional advice when it comes to traveling with dogs or cats in an automobile. These general guidelines will make the overall traveling experience better and safer for both you and your pets. 

Crate Or Carrier:

It is surprisingly common for pet owners to allow their dog or cat to roam around the car freely while driving. This is very dangerous for both you, your pets, and the other drivers on the road. A free roaming pet can easily distract you while driving, potentially causing an accident. Additionally, there is a chance your dog or cat can open a car door or car window and subsequently jump out while the vehicle is in motion. For these reasons, you should always keep your pets in a crate or carrier while transporting them. 

Pets Ride In The Back:

In addition to being in a crate or carrier, your pet should never be in the front seat. Airbags are a standard feature in all automobiles today and are specifically designed to protect people sitting in the upright position. If airbags are deployed, they could seriously hurt/injure your pet if they are riding up front. Always keep your crated pets in the backseat where they are safest. 

Keeping Them Safe:

When it comes to letting your pet out of the car, always keep them under control. For dogs, you should always have them leashed when letting them out of the vehicle. A dog may not be fully aware of its surroundings and they could accidentally put themselves in a dangerous situation. Always keep them well supervised when stopping for potty breaks. 


It goes without saying, but never leave your pet alone and unsupervised in your automobile. Leaving your pet alone in a parked car puts them at risk of heat stroke, theft, and will increase anxiety. If you need to stop for food, try looking up pet friendly restaurants or stick to the drive-through restaurants. 

Be Supportive:

Lastly, be considerate and empathetic to your pets’ feelings and what they’re experiencing. Taking your pet out of their home and transporting them anywhere can be very stressful for them. We encourage you to occasionally comfort your pet during your travels. Even something as simple as hearing your voice or giving them a treat will make them feel more comfortable about the whole situation. Additionally, when it comes to dogs, be sure to stop occasionally at a rest stop or any place with grass so they can stretch their legs and go pee or poop. 

Safety First

The most important part of pet transportation is safety above all else. Here at Long Island Pet Service, we treat pets like family. The well being of our furry family members will always come first. Pet transportation is a serious responsibility and should not be taken lightly. We hope this article helps you when it comes to pet transportation. However, you don’t have to do it alone. Let the pet professionals at Long Island Pet Service do it for you! We offer a Pet Taxi Service that makes transporting your pets easy and convenient. Click here to become a client today! We look forward to hearing from you soon!